About Us

Establishment of the Department

The proposal for the establishment of the Computer Engineering Department at Trakya University and the admission of students to the Department was considered appropriate and accepted by the Executive Board of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) in its meeting held on 1 March 1991, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2547, as amended by Law No. 2880, Articles 7/D-2 and 7/H. The Faculty began its teaching activities in the academic year 1991-1992 with 34 students. The opening of three main branches, namely Computer Science, Computer Software, and Computer Hardware, was also approved by the letter dated 17 March 1992, with reference number 976-4498, from the Presidency of the Higher Education Council.

Heads of Departments since its establishment

Prof. Dr. Abdüssamet MARŞOĞLU 

  1992 – 1994

Prof. Dr. Mesut RAZBONYALI

  1994 – 1997

Asst. Prof. Dr. Cavit TEZCAN

  1997 – 1998

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ercan BULUŞ

  1998 – 2001

Asst. Prof. Dr. Erdem UÇAR

  2001 – 2007

Asst. Prof. Dr.  Nurşen SUÇSUZ

  2007 – 2009

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yılmaz KILIÇASLAN

  2009 – 2012

Asst. Prof. Dr. M. Tolga SAKALLI

  2012 – 2014

Prof. Dr. Yılmaz KILIÇASLAN

  2014 – 2016

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Tolga SAKALLI

  2016 – 2020

Prof. Dr. M. Tolga SAKALLI

  2020 – 

About Education

The duration of the program is 4 years.

The aim of the Computer Engineering Department at Trakya University in its undergraduate education is to prepare students to become competent Computer Engineers upon graduation, with a broad range of professional applications. The main research areas include computer sciences, software, hardware, and cognitive sciences. 

In the first year of education, fundamental courses related to Computer Engineering are provided. Starting from the second year, a program focused on professional practice is followed, covering topics such as programming, electrical-electronics, digital systems, engineering mathematics, software infrastructure, system analysis and modeling, software engineering, artificial intelligence, advanced programming methods, database management, and network structures. To graduate from the undergraduate program, students must successfully complete all the given courses and complete two separate summer internships, each lasting 40 working days, in the fields of software and hardware.

The department's teaching and research activities are supported by three computer laboratories and one electronics laboratory. Students also have continuous internet access through the computers in the laboratories or via wireless connection from their own devices.

Head of the department: Prof. Dr. M. Tolga SAKALLI

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